Free Training Video
No More "Bogus False Promises" To Our Core Challenges.
Discover The One Core Problem Underneath Your Challenges & The One Core Solution 
That Will Unleash You To Achieve What You Love And Want The Most In Life once and for all... 
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The Difference Between High Voltage Results And Everyone Else Is Clear.
High Voltage Results
 We give you Lasting RESULTS.
We see Human Beings.
Our clients are revitalized with new hope, 
energy and possibilities every day.
We are a heart-centered company that is 
here to serve you with full love and Integrity.
We get to the CORE of the problem so we can set you free from the limitations that are blocking you from achieving success in the first place. 
We only take on 10 new clients a month 
to give our best individual attention to you.
Our Mission: To help people achieve their dreams and illuminate this world with their unique Light. 
Everyone Else
They make you a Lasting CUSTOMER.
 They see dollar signs.
People become more and more 
disillusioned after every failed attempt.
 Companies and ''gurus'' don't serve you with the quality that will deliver on their big promises.
They take you through a wild goose-chase on the surface that will never do the real work of empowering you for the REAL results you desire.
They take as many clients as possible because they're putting everyone through an assembly line where there is no individual attention to you.
Their Mission- To improve Profits Every Quarter. 
Success Stories
Any of the people below are happy to jump on a call with you to give their personal testimony.
 If you would like to contact any of them, please email us at and we will put you in touch with them!
"...There is no doubt that these guys are the real deal. 
I couldn't believe how much time, energy, and money 
I lost seeking answers elsewhere."
Jila F.
"The only way to not succeed is to not talk to Haleh and 
work with High Voltage Results."
Lois L.
"The phone call with Haleh was so eye-opening, 
she's truly amazing."
Eileen K.
"Haleh is my girl. She really gets to the core of your problem and from there works her way to healing. I recommend her to everyone."
Biata U.
"Call me I'll vouch for her anytime!
I love her work, she simplified everything so much, 
it was so easy to follow."
Maurissa D.
"No point in looking back but WOW I feel more alive now in my 60's then I did my whole life!"
Merdad F.
How About You? Are You Our Next Success Story?
If you are tired of being duped by all the bogus "surface solutions" 
and you don't want to lose any more precious time, energy and money,
then book a call with us now and let's fast-track your success!
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